Similar pattern to the zero response on the gun issue and the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” economics, no? The more I hear politicians talk about their reasoning behind these things, the more I just keep hearing “generational trauma” in their personal stories. Not to be too broad, but in the end can a lot of this be traced back to the effects of WWII? Seems unrelated, but I’m not so sure.

Great essay. Thank you!

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Thank you!

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City Journal has a strong conservative slant from my viewing. If we knew the funders that could be made clearer.?

The comments about being afraid made me think of a purse being stolen from a car a decade ago or a murder within two blocks of my home and an area where I walk. Neither of these Lansing Michigan events make me fearful. Careful and vigilant perhaps, but life is full of randomness that we try to avoid realizing.

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Yeah. I do know that - I've written for them! They're basically law-and-order urbanism. I'm not against law and order per se - this incident in some ways is the failure of law and order, and the failure of social services and housing markets in other ways.

I get the fear of crime, but the (unfortunate) fact is people yell on the subway sometimes, and if that in and of itself were license to kill them, that way madness lies.

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On the front page of today's NY Times this-https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/13/nyregion/jordan-neely-top-50-mental-illness.html He was on a list of 50 top mental illness homeless "risks" in NYC. That list in principle is interesting and not sure what the implies about all that has transpired.

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