Similar pattern to the zero response on the gun issue and the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” economics, no? The more I hear politicians talk about their reasoning behind these things, the more I just keep hearing “generational trauma” in their personal stories. Not to be too broad, but in the end can a lot of this be traced back t…
Similar pattern to the zero response on the gun issue and the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” economics, no? The more I hear politicians talk about their reasoning behind these things, the more I just keep hearing “generational trauma” in their personal stories. Not to be too broad, but in the end can a lot of this be traced back to the effects of WWII? Seems unrelated, but I’m not so sure.
Similar pattern to the zero response on the gun issue and the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” economics, no? The more I hear politicians talk about their reasoning behind these things, the more I just keep hearing “generational trauma” in their personal stories. Not to be too broad, but in the end can a lot of this be traced back to the effects of WWII? Seems unrelated, but I’m not so sure.
Great essay. Thank you!
Thank you!