Was also nodding along to the part about the buying any affordable home vs. valuing where it's located. This hit home. We live in a smaller city in the midwest, but even still we would not have been able to afford the actual locations we wanted (for context: three kids 4 and under, one income). And the ones…
Was also nodding along to the part about the buying any affordable home vs. valuing where it's located. This hit home. We live in a smaller city in the midwest, but even still we would not have been able to afford the actual locations we wanted (for context: three kids 4 and under, one income). And the ones that were in our range would have needed thousand of dollars to even be livable.
The space in our little 1930/1940's neighborhood is nice, but I'd be lying if I said it's the *ideal* place. Cultivating ties, relationships, doing anything without buckling up the kids is such a slog. I'd take a more urban environment any day if it was in the budget.
Yes, I loved that line as well.
Was also nodding along to the part about the buying any affordable home vs. valuing where it's located. This hit home. We live in a smaller city in the midwest, but even still we would not have been able to afford the actual locations we wanted (for context: three kids 4 and under, one income). And the ones that were in our range would have needed thousand of dollars to even be livable.
The space in our little 1930/1940's neighborhood is nice, but I'd be lying if I said it's the *ideal* place. Cultivating ties, relationships, doing anything without buckling up the kids is such a slog. I'd take a more urban environment any day if it was in the budget.
Great piece!
Thank you!