Real cops and real teachers understand the disorder problem, but regulations and bureaucrats prevent them from solving it properly.
A very few people are UNSTOPPABLY BAD. If they are given free rein, they will recruit lots of otherwise normal people to help with their crimes. The few PROFESSIONAL CRIMINALS need to be out of society for life. Then the 'conditionally bad' folks (most of us) can be motivated by jobs and community.
Great to see an urbanism piece on disorder. I think understanding and working that problem is a bit of a skeleton key. Great piece/review in The Bulwark today as well.
Even with “targeting” this still sounds like “broken windows” policing to me. (Graffiti as “disorder”?)
I regularly visit relatives in a city. It’s not the graffiti nor the “outburst” type disorders that bother them (nor me) the most, but rather the 24/7 of dealing with the upstairs neighbors’ loud footfalls and the side neighbors’ seeping second-hand smoke. I.e. density.
Some people like the intimacy of density, but others of us value anonymity. We don't want to know the patterns, palates, or politics of our neighbors. "Fences make good neighbors" (Frost). The density of a packed street festival draws us to its sensual sweet air, but the moment we depart we look for a bypass of the clotted exit queue.
I have a big problem with the first book that you feature. Since I have no public function whatsoever, everything I do is private. Including walking down the street, driving down a highway, sitting on my front porch. All these benign behaviors are just as private as the ones he chooses to label as private— public drunkenness, screaming, drug use, etc. Labeling these public nuisance behaviors as private behaviors simply distorts the meaning of the word private. Destroying the meaning of perfectly good words is the fastest way to render language useless. This is especially true when well understood terms such as antisocial behavior and public nuisance behavior are already available.
Real cops and real teachers understand the disorder problem, but regulations and bureaucrats prevent them from solving it properly.
A very few people are UNSTOPPABLY BAD. If they are given free rein, they will recruit lots of otherwise normal people to help with their crimes. The few PROFESSIONAL CRIMINALS need to be out of society for life. Then the 'conditionally bad' folks (most of us) can be motivated by jobs and community.
Great to see an urbanism piece on disorder. I think understanding and working that problem is a bit of a skeleton key. Great piece/review in The Bulwark today as well.
Even with “targeting” this still sounds like “broken windows” policing to me. (Graffiti as “disorder”?)
I regularly visit relatives in a city. It’s not the graffiti nor the “outburst” type disorders that bother them (nor me) the most, but rather the 24/7 of dealing with the upstairs neighbors’ loud footfalls and the side neighbors’ seeping second-hand smoke. I.e. density.
Some people like the intimacy of density, but others of us value anonymity. We don't want to know the patterns, palates, or politics of our neighbors. "Fences make good neighbors" (Frost). The density of a packed street festival draws us to its sensual sweet air, but the moment we depart we look for a bypass of the clotted exit queue.
I have a big problem with the first book that you feature. Since I have no public function whatsoever, everything I do is private. Including walking down the street, driving down a highway, sitting on my front porch. All these benign behaviors are just as private as the ones he chooses to label as private— public drunkenness, screaming, drug use, etc. Labeling these public nuisance behaviors as private behaviors simply distorts the meaning of the word private. Destroying the meaning of perfectly good words is the fastest way to render language useless. This is especially true when well understood terms such as antisocial behavior and public nuisance behavior are already available.
Re: AI HP Perfect Print
I guess they automated what I do on my apple
Shift >Apple>3 for copy screen. Open copy. Make a crop aperture > Apple K. Apple p