Real cops and real teachers understand the disorder problem, but regulations and bureaucrats prevent them from solving it properly.
A very few people are UNSTOPPABLY BAD. If they are given free rein, they will recruit lots of otherwise normal people to help with their crimes. The few PROFESSIONAL CRIMINALS need to be out of society for li…
Real cops and real teachers understand the disorder problem, but regulations and bureaucrats prevent them from solving it properly.
A very few people are UNSTOPPABLY BAD. If they are given free rein, they will recruit lots of otherwise normal people to help with their crimes. The few PROFESSIONAL CRIMINALS need to be out of society for life. Then the 'conditionally bad' folks (most of us) can be motivated by jobs and community.
Real cops and real teachers understand the disorder problem, but regulations and bureaucrats prevent them from solving it properly.
A very few people are UNSTOPPABLY BAD. If they are given free rein, they will recruit lots of otherwise normal people to help with their crimes. The few PROFESSIONAL CRIMINALS need to be out of society for life. Then the 'conditionally bad' folks (most of us) can be motivated by jobs and community.