There are conspiracies of "against-ers" that earlier picked on cities and certain elements destroyed much of the urban fabric - especially of the "others". Similar efforts have built up to work against rural areas and suburban areas. Tit for tat I suppose. Still a fear of all versions of others that are unfamiliar.
There are conspiracies of "against-ers" that earlier picked on cities and certain elements destroyed much of the urban fabric - especially of the "others". Similar efforts have built up to work against rural areas and suburban areas. Tit for tat I suppose. Still a fear of all versions of others that are unfamiliar.
A conspiracy of "for-ers" may be a better response. I'm for walkable area and for transportation options for all ages. I'm for using less energy resources for living my daily life. I'm for beauty and for quality of surroundings. I'm for being around interesting people in interesting places. I for spending most of my time in cities that offer easier access to what I am looking for.
I am for a realization of the extra cost of sprawl imposed on less spread-out areas. Some of these are hard for "against-ers" and "for-ers", but give me facts and truths.
There are conspiracies of "against-ers" that earlier picked on cities and certain elements destroyed much of the urban fabric - especially of the "others". Similar efforts have built up to work against rural areas and suburban areas. Tit for tat I suppose. Still a fear of all versions of others that are unfamiliar.
A conspiracy of "for-ers" may be a better response. I'm for walkable area and for transportation options for all ages. I'm for using less energy resources for living my daily life. I'm for beauty and for quality of surroundings. I'm for being around interesting people in interesting places. I for spending most of my time in cities that offer easier access to what I am looking for.
I am for a realization of the extra cost of sprawl imposed on less spread-out areas. Some of these are hard for "against-ers" and "for-ers", but give me facts and truths.