The Pyrex we have isn’t actually worse than “foreign” (I’m really saying borosilicate) glass, but it is not made for the same goals. The stuff we have is made to be resistant to mechanical shocks (drops) instead of thermal shocks. You can’t get both with the same glass, and ours prioritizes surviving drops than high temperate

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There's a chain in Northeast Ohio called Marc's that largely still deals in closeout merchandise (while also having a slightly more reliable grocery/drug store component). We used to get toothpaste made for the Canadian market there which was in French and English. Like Ollie's, a lot of their branding is built around quirky cartoons and puns too (although the stores are nicer).

When I was a kid, there were three different similar closeout chains: Marc's, Jote's, and Bernie Schulman's. Marc's bought them all out and consolidated under the Marc's name. They even once operated a chain of stores in Connecticut called Xpect Discounts with the same branding and product as Ohio's Marc's stores (think Cleveland sports gear in New Haven), though I believe those have all closed now.

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Ten years ago we lived in Connecticut and regularly visited an Ocean State Job Lot location near us. Although it had a lot of advertised "close out" merchandise, a large part of the store had merchandise that did not change over time. This stuff was apparently manufactured for the store, and generally a good value. This was why we kept going back to the store, for those standard items. Apparently the business is still doing well.

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No shade, but the particular saying you're alluding to in the title is one of those phrases/words that I absolutely irrationally DESPISE with an intense hatred. Same goes for "goose/geese" (dumb word, the guttural just feels disgusting in one's throat, but perhaps an appropriately disgusting descriptor for such an odious beast) or "kitty corner" (a dumb phrase for children who can't pronounce 'diagonal' and the idiot adults they become) or that stupid effing "skidamarink" song (what the fuck kind of word is that anyways?).

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