Thanks for sharing the anecdote about elevator costs. It'd be wonderful if our elites could appreciate the lengths that people will go to in order to keep a good manufacturing job - and maybe find some other compromise so that the workers wouldn't face a binary of 1) fighting for absurd labor rules and 2) watching their jobs disappear.
On Dudley Newright: I read his weekly newsletters, and would describe him as a sympathetic insider to the far-right/ new right / whatever. He doesn't seem as interested in advocating for positions himself as much as just having fun writing about what others are doing.
Some adults have always tried to be cool by talking like da yoots or talking black. In earlier eras when people of different generations and types lived and worked together more often, social pressure quickly cured the habit. They realized that the target audience was not impressed but only embarrassed. Now each subgroup is isolated so there's less pressure.
Thanks for sharing the anecdote about elevator costs. It'd be wonderful if our elites could appreciate the lengths that people will go to in order to keep a good manufacturing job - and maybe find some other compromise so that the workers wouldn't face a binary of 1) fighting for absurd labor rules and 2) watching their jobs disappear.
On Dudley Newright: I read his weekly newsletters, and would describe him as a sympathetic insider to the far-right/ new right / whatever. He doesn't seem as interested in advocating for positions himself as much as just having fun writing about what others are doing.
Ray Bradbury’s book “Yestermorrow” is a treasure trove of great stories. Lots of stuff about cities, towns, people, etc.
Some adults have always tried to be cool by talking like da yoots or talking black. In earlier eras when people of different generations and types lived and worked together more often, social pressure quickly cured the habit. They realized that the target audience was not impressed but only embarrassed. Now each subgroup is isolated so there's less pressure.