I wonder if the massive parking lots could become a kind of town square some day. Some parking lots have one or two food trucks around the edges. At dusk on a pleasant evening, a taco dinner at a folding table in a parking lot isn't so bad.
I wonder if the massive parking lots could become a kind of town square some day. Some parking lots have one or two food trucks around the edges. At dusk on a pleasant evening, a taco dinner at a folding table in a parking lot isn't so bad.
I wonder if the massive parking lots could become a kind of town square some day. Some parking lots have one or two food trucks around the edges. At dusk on a pleasant evening, a taco dinner at a folding table in a parking lot isn't so bad.
You see this happening informally a lot in more distressed areas/properties. I wrote about that too! https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2021/8/17/the-taco-truck-and-the-thrift-store