Quick post today, with what I think will become a semi-regular little series. I sometimes find there are bits and pieces of my articles that get a lot of reaction in particular, or which I think are insightful but I don’t develop at more depth in the pieces they appear.
So what I’ve done is taken a handful of these bits and pieces and offered them here, in a short post, inviting you to agree/disagree/discuss/elaborate. Short and sweet!
Here you go:
The difference between what we call a “city,” a “town,” or a “village” is of degree, not of kind.
Bad rules, or bad situations, are not opportunities to test our virtue or build character.
What we typically perceive as “overdevelopment” is actually underdevelopment
Related to number 3, traffic congestion is a result of low-density, car-dependent sprawl, not overcrowding
Suburbia makes normal human behavior look suspicious
Related Reading:
Suburbia Was a Housing Program
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